2022: Auction Draft Rules
Posted: 04/08/2022
The rules for live auction ========================== 1. All players on the Yahoo league website are eligible to be drafted except players listed as NA and those players on our Minor League rosters. 2. At the end of the draft day, all teams must have 23 players on their roster with a combined salary not exceeding $260. 3. Any player drafted that subsequently starts the season on DL can be reserved starting with Week 0 transactions provided that player played at least 1 game at ML level the previous year. Otherwise, he will be treated as if he did not make Opening Day roster with all other ramifications. 4. No drafted player or player kept on frozen roster can be dropped after the draft or traded until Week 0 transactions are completed. 5. All other NIL rules will be followed per NIL constitution. Position eligbility will be followed by Yahoo's player position assignments. 6. Week 0 Transactions will be due on Sunday, April 10 5PM ET.