2012: Trade Deadline - Sept. Expansion
Posted: 09/01/2012
Here's a quick head-up on how things will go going into September: The trade deadline this season will be September 1st during Week 22 which falls 3/4 of the way into that week. Please have all trades to me by 5pm EST on Saturday, September 1st. September Expansion will begin during the Week 22 transaction period. Expansion moves are prioritized over the normal weekly transactions. Please make sure to mark your expansion transactions in your emails so I can make sure they are indeed expansion picks. SEPTEMBER ROSTER EXPANSION If it chooses, a team may expand its roster for the pennant drive by calling up one additional pitcher and/or one additional batter at any time after September 1 until the end of the season from the free agent pool, its own reserve list, or its own farm system. The order of selection for the expansion is determined by the most recent standings, with the last place team having first selection. During the first transaction period after or on September 1, expansion claims take precedence over any other acquisitions. The owner must state that a player is being taken for expansion. Thanks, Matt