2012 Live Auction Draft Rules
Posted: 02/16/2012
The rules for live auction ========================== Due to the fact that the auction will occur some time prior to the Opening Day and at that time ML teams still have not made decisions concerning demotions, DL, etc., the following rules will be in effect. 1. Any player currently on NIL active roster that still has ROY eligibility, may be demoted to the NIL minor league roster ignoring the 3 player limit for the farm system. That player will not count toward the 23 player roster limit and his salary will not count toward the $260 limit. a. In the event the demoted player makes Opening Day active roster, that player must be promoted in Week 0 transactions and his salary and contract will be dependent on what it would have been had he been kept on the frozen roster all along or sufficient players can be droped from the farm system to adhere to the 3 player limit. b. If the demoted player does not make the Opening Day active roster, then the three player limit will be enforced at Week 0 transactions. It is up to the owner of the team to decide which player(s) will be removed from the farm, if any. In the event the owner does not create a legal farm system with Week 0 transactions, the commissioner will remove sufficient players to adhere to the three player limit starting with the player currently playing at the lowest level of baseball. 2. All players on the Yahoo website for NL are eligible to be drafted provided they are not listed as NA. 3. At the end of the draft day, all teams must have 23 players on their roster with a combined salary not exceeding $260. 4. Any player drafted that subsequently starts the season on DL can be reserved starting with Week 0 transactions provided that player played at least 1 game at ML level the previous year. Otherwise, he will be treated as if he did not make Opening Day roster with all other ramifications. 5. Any player drafted that subsequently does not make Opening Day roster will be removed from the roster and the owner will be refunded 100% of the draft salary. That team must participate in the supplemental round as described below. 6. Any drafted or frozen player that is traded to AL prior to Opening Day will adhere to the following rules: a. If the player is traded prior to the Supplemental Round, the team has the option of picking up the incoming player per regular NIL trade rules. If the pick up causes a position imbalance, then the NIL team must drop a player that was drafted during current year's draft to adhere to position eligibility. The salary of the dropped player will be refunded 100% and the team must participate in the Supplemental Round (see below) to fill in the open position. If the team chooses not to pick up the incoming player, the player traded away to AL can be dropped form the roster and the salary will be refunded 100%. The team must then participate in the Supplemental Round to fill the open position. b. If the player is traded after the Supplemental Round, but prior to Opening Day, the team has the option of picking up the incoming player per regular NIL trade rules. Any position imbalance must be corrected in Week 0 transactions. Failure to correct the imbalance will invalidate the pick up. The player traded away will still be removed from the NIL roster. 7. Any player kept on frozen roster that does not make Opening Day roster will be delt with during Week 0 (or later) transactions. 8. No drafted player or player kept on frozen roster can be dropped after the draft or traded until Week 0 transactions. A drafted player can be dropped only if he does not make Opening Day roster (per rules above). 9. All other NIL rules such as position eligibility, etc. will be followed per NIL constitution. Please be aware that NIL position eligibility and Yahoo position eligibility are different. 10. Supplemental Round a. Supplemental Round will be held 3 days prior to Opening Day. b. Any team that needs to fill roster spots because a drafted player did not make Opening Day roster and subsequently was removed will participate in a supplemental round to fill all open positions. c. All players listed on the Yahoo website that are eligible to be drafted per rules above are available, d. The supplemental round will follow the same rules as Round 5 in previous years - please read the rules for Round 5 found in the constitution. 11. Week 0 transactions will be due on Opening Day 12. The NIL website will be used as the official resource for stats and standings. The Yahoo website will be used as backup. Decision about direction of future use of the NIL and Yahoo websites will be made in subsequent years.